kedokteran forensik bahasa Inggris
- kedokteran: medicine
- forensik: forensic; forensic science; the life of abraham
- forensik: forensic; forensic science; the life of abraham lincoln /chapter viii; forensical
- I am a professor of forensic medicine.
Saya seorang professor kedokteran forensik - Sir Henry Littlejohn, Chair of Medical Jurisprudence at the University of Edinburgh Medical School, is also cited as an inspiration for Holmes.
Sir Henry Littlejohn, dosen Kedokteran Forensik dan Kesehatan Masyarakat di Royal College of Surgeons, juga dianggap sebagai sumber inspirasi tokoh Holmes. - The Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University of Berne made a statement, based on a Red Cross report, that the gas was likely to have been halogenous derivatives - phosgene, mustard gas, lewisite, chloride or cyanogen bromide.
Institut Kedokteran Forensik di University of Berne membuat pernyataan, berdasarkan laporan Palang Merah, bahwa gas itu cenderung menjadi derivatif halogenous - Fosgen, gas mustard, lewisite, klorida atau bromida sianogen. - In December 2009, a 2000 interview with the chief pathologist at the L. Greenberg National Institute of Forensic Medicine Yehuda Hiss was released in which he had admitted taking organs from the corpses of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians and foreign workers without their families' permission.
Pada Desember 2009, sebuah wawancara 2000 dengan kepala patologis di Instutut Kedokteran Forensik Nasional L. Greenberg Yehuda Hiss dikeluarkan, yang menyatakan bahwa ia mengambil organ-organ dari prajurit Israel, warga negara Israel, orang Palestina dan pekerja asing , tanpa ijin keluarga.
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